Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Out of the corner of my eye

I saw her out of the corner of my eye,
this beautiful blonde walking her dog
on a sharp sunny day.
She turned my way and smiled.
Her lean canine companion
oblivious to the traffic around them,
simply waiting to walk again.
Imagine my surprise as I realized
I knew this beautiful woman.
What's more she knew me.
She knew my ins and outs,
my highs and my lows,
my strengths and my weaknesses.
She smiled and waved,
surprised yet I think happy to see me.
I smiled back and called out a greeting,
crunched for time as the light changed.
I pulled away and thought to myself
what a lucky man I was to have a wife
so beautiful and so patient,
delighted to see me while knowing not
when she would see me again.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Three wishes

If I had three wishes
I would give them away.

Everything I want to change,
I can change myself.

I can change myself.
I have to change myself.

Wishing doesn't make it any easier.
It only extends the deadline.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

night after night

I’ve come to realize
A mistake I’ve been making.
I looked at each night
As bad or good
And found far more bad nights
Than good.
I sat on the couch
Watching the door
And wondering
What manner of beast
Would ride through.
But nights are not black or white.
They are a million shades
Of gray.
And the beast that bursts the door
Is only a woman
Having a bad day.
Self fulfilling prophecies
Are called such for a reason.
My expectation
Night after night
Was a foreboding.
And that inclination
Made it so.
Now I see that nights are just nights.
And that the status quo
Is also aptly named.
I welcome the many shades of gray
And take each night
On its own merits.
The beast is gone
And only my love remains
To cross the threshold
Night after night.