Sunday, October 3, 2010


There is no such thing
as perfection
in anything.
We are only human
and we balk at perfection
in this world.
In this life.
Love is the perfect example.
You can love someone with
your whole heart
with everything in you
and still make mistakes.
You don’t want to.
You don’t try to.
You just live your life
and they happen.
What do you do?
What do you do
when you want so much
to be perfect
for this person you love?
You want to be perfect
and time and time again
you are not.
And you don’t even know
you’ve made a mistake
until the eyes you love,
until the smile you love,
are softer
and sadder
when they look upon you.
You can’t give up.
You won’t give up.
But you don’t know
what to fix,
what to change.
Your whole life
becomes a puzzle
and you search for
the missing piece.
Or the pieces you’ve
jammed together
that do not fit.
You search for the bright eyes
and the brilliant smile,
but on your own,
you will never find them

The color of love

White is not a color.
It is the absence of color.
It is a vacuum of color.
White is what we would see
if we could see in the dark.
Black is an illusion.
It is not a color.
Black is every possible color
uniting on the same spot
without reflection.
Color itself is only
the reflection of light
that is not absorbed
by the item reflecting.
Love is like color.
And the heart absorbs
all of life’s colors
but for one.
And that one
is what I have searched for
my whole life.