Thursday, December 24, 2009

Looking for the future in the present

When I wake each morning
I have to concentrate to clear my head
of the dreams I have had that night.
Always my dreams are of the past,
exactly as it was,
another mistake relived
every night.
I wake tired and confused.
I look around my room,
at the poster that fills one wall,
at the album covers
that cover another.
and at the dog by my bed.
Slowly the dreams dissipate
and the present comes into view.
I think of you.
You make it easier
to be here.
in the present.
When I rise,
I leave the past behind
and look toward the present
for my future.

1 comment:

  1. i have a tendency to dwell in the past, to relive mistakes over and over. but every now and then something rises in my present to push those thoughts away.
