Friday, March 11, 2011

The Long Hall

Happiness has found me
At the end of this long hall
That is my life.
So many doors
To closets and rooms.
So many dead ends
And empty spaces.
I’ve struggled
To get this far
And never expected
Anything else.
But now the path
Is suddenly easier.
And there is joy
Behind each door.
I could turn around
And look back
At the long hall
But I won’t


Stillness is a vague memory,
a comfort I crave
but cannot realize.
My skin crawls
and my muscles twitch.
What has happened
to my center?
It’s the meds
I tell myself.
But what if
it’s not?
What if my center
is forever moving?
I hate that thought.
I used to pride myself
on my ability
Now I try so hard
to move so little.
It’s not the same.