Monday, February 1, 2010

How do you fight a feeling?

She says she feels like
you’re not telling her something.
You look at her perplexed.
There’s very little you haven’t
told this woman.
You’ve been very forthcoming
about your past and your illness.
You’ve talked about
your previous relationships
and their failings
and your part in each.
You’ve talked about your fighting
and your struggle
to control your anger.
You’ve talked about sex.
Your likes, dislikes, and hang ups.
You’ve talked about your family
and your friends
and how important they are.
You’ve talked about
your feelings for her
and your comfort around her.
Yet she has a feeling.
A completely baseless feeling
that says more about her
than it does about you.
How do you fight this feeling?
There is nothing you can say.
There is nothing you can do.
It’s just a feeling she has.
But it affects you.
and colors the way
you feel
about her.

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