I’m a marksman.
I can put five holes in love
In five seconds.
Grouped high and tight.
I’m a toolsmith.
I can drill five holes in love
In five seconds
And pass it down the line.
I’m an artist.
I can paint love
In splashes of grays
And tear my canvas apart.
I’m a sculptor.
I can pull love from a rock
Attentive to every detail
And not recognize my creation.
I’m a writer.
I can pour forth onto the page
Every limb of love
And turn to a blank page.
I’m a criminal.
I can steal love
And pawn it off
Never knowing its value.
I’m a killer.
I can surprise love
And torture it
Until it is dead and gone.
I’m a small sad spirit
Who can luck into love
And try to hold it
But lose it in the end.
I’m an observer
Who never knows
What love looks like
Until it is walking away.
sometimes i feel like i am my own worst enemy.