Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We all start out normal

No matter how fucked up we are by our thirties,
if you look back far enough,
you’ll find a little boy
playing with action figures
or a little girl playing with dolls,
both believing in big things ahead of them.
No one wants to be a cab driver
or a ditch digger when they are young.
But the wine or the beer or the drugs
cripple their dreams and change their path.
They limp along for years until,
just maybe, they find someone to lean on.
They stop drinking so much
and the drugs altogether.
Little by little, they remember the dreams
and the action figures or the dolls.
They find their footing
and begin to head in a new direction.

1 comment:

  1. maybe a little cynical, but i've met so many people who have spiraled through this cycle.
