Why is it
That no one talks to anyone
They don’t know?
In the elevator
My fellow passengers
Are engrossed
In their phones.
They check their email.
Their thumbs fly across
Tiny keyboards.
Texting, messaging,
Setting reminders,
And surfing the net.
Those who don’t fiddle
With their phones,
Watch the tiny video screen
On the left.
They check the time,
The weather,
And bits of news.
The next time
I enter an elevator
I’m going to say hello
To each and every person.
Shake some hands
And pat some backs.
And talk to my fellow passengers.
That ought to shake things up.
i work for continental airlines at their main office downtown at 1600 smith. i have yet to board an elevator with just one person not engrossed in their damn phone. really? how important are you?