Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Movie

If life were a movie,
My movie.
I would wake in the morning
To the sound of gunfire.
I would roll out of bed
And crawl across the floor
To the window.
I would look out quickly
And count the gunmen in front.
Then I would snake my way
To the back of the house
And do a headcount there.
I would crawl into the kitchen
As gunfire shredded my curtains
And pocked the walls.
I would open the pantry
And remove two semi-automatic pistols
And a bullet proof vest.
I would crawl out a window
On the side of the house
And make my way to the roof.
I would clear the back first
With two bursts of my death guns.
Then I would drop to the ground
And change into the clothes
Of one of the fallen bad guys.
I would throw another over my shoulder
And walk around the side of the house
To the front.
Once among the rest of the bad men
I would open fire
Short controlled bursts
Aimed at small groups.
I would take a walkie talkie
Off one of the bodies
And jump into my jeep.
I would pull away
Just as backup rolled in
And they would chase me.
I would race down Main
Shooting at the cars behind me.
Some would wreck
Others would blow up.
Inevitably one would close ranks.
I would use my belt to lash my wheel
And set the car on cruise
Just as a bad man jumps into my jeep.
I would rise and pull a knife
As he desperately tried to find balance.
Knowing my jeep and its drive
I would rock back and forth
Until I could plunge the knife in.
The bad man would spill off the side
And I would make it to work on time.

1 comment:

  1. i'm an action junkie and this would be an awesome way to wake one morning. BTW if my life really became a movie, i would have wanted Heath Ledger to play me. he was an amazing actor.
